What Does It Take To Have The Right Flooring?

Posted on 24.11.2019

All flooring requires a base to be installed upon, this base is call a subfloor. There are a few different kinds of subflooring available: Joist, concrete and wooden. Regardless of the kind of subfloor you have there are a few critical things you must always consider before installing flooring on top. In this article, we have a look at different sorts of subflooring and some common issues.

1. Subfloor level

To have perfectly sound flooring, a flat subfloor is essential. To check how level your subfloor is, you can use a straight-line bar. If you see any gaps between the subfloor and the straight-line bar, then your floor needs attention. Another important thing to look for is if your straight line is showing any movement or bouncing up and down. Usually, this indicates uneven flooring, and will therefore need to be levelled before any new flooring is installed.

There are several different methods and products that can help you level your floor, however this will also depend on the type of subfloor you have to deal with.

2. Moisture Control

This probably applies mostly to concrete and plywood subfloors. Especially for concrete slabs it is essential to check moisture levels with a proper tool before you install new flooring.

Any professional floor installer should be able to run this test for you. Moisture is one of the worse flooring enemies. Moisture can potentially cause your floor to lift off, or become swollen and burst - not to mention cause a bad smell to come from under your flooring. Get it tested and fix the problem before you begin flooring installations.

3. Cracks

When dealing with concrete slabs, it is vital to look for cracks. Cracks could be a future problem for floor performance. Cracks can be a source of moisture too, which will damage your floor in time. So before installing any type of flooring on your concrete subfloor, make sure that you fill all existing cracks. Use the appropriate materials to be sure your work is in line with flooring standards. Every time the breaks are evident, you need to check for a floor level as cracks could be a reason for subfloor movements. Note: you must have an expert do this as they have the necessary expertise to get the job done correctly.

4. Squeaks

It is not unusual to hear squeaks when you have a plywood or yellow tongue and groove subfloor. This is usually the result of the nails or screws that are holding the subfloor to the joists moving or becoming loose. It is imperative to repair this issue before new flooring gets laid. In some cases, your contractor may need to lift the subfloor and reinstall it using professional materials like glue and nails re-secure the subfloor and avoid any future problems. After repairing the squeaking subfloor, you, again, need to make sure the subfloor levelling is checked and levelled where it is necessary.

Now that you have an understanding of subflooring and how they work, make sure that you consult with a professional before installing them in your home or office. Better yet, get in touch with Flooring Domain, and we’ll get you sorted.

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