7 Benefits Of Red Potatoes You Didn’t Know

Posted on 21.12.2022
7 Benefits Of Red Potatoes You Didn’t Know image

Red potatoes have many benefits. Even though some people avoid potatoes, many don't realize the serious nutritional benefits of these tubers. They don't realize that starchy vegetables can do so much more than they could ever imagine. This is especially true of the red variety. Many people are unaware of the many benefits that red potatoes have.


1. Maintain A Healthy Weight


Red potatoes are great for keeping your weight in check. How? By keeping you full, you will eat less if you don't feel hungry. A protein found in potatoes called proteinase inhibitor 2, has a boosting effect on cholecystokinin. This is a hormone that makes it feel full. This is not all.


The skins of red potatoes contain a significant 3 g of fiber per medium-sized potato. This is a great way to curb cravings. They also contain over 3 grams of protein which, like fiber, helps you to fight hunger.


2. Increase Blood Supply


Red potatoes are a great way to increase the production of red blood cells. Red potatoes have a high iron content of around 1.2 mg, which is 6% below the recommended level. This can help you add more oxygen to your blood and increase hemoglobin production. This extra oxygen can lead to improved overall health.


Potatoes' high vitamin C content (around 27 mg or 30% of your daily value) can increase iron absorption when they are combined with other vegetables. You can make your iron intake even higher by serving red potatoes alongside any different meat cut.


3. Boost Your Immune System


Single red potato nutrition can significantly improve your immune system. Vitamin C is a key component of the body's defense system. It is well-known. This nutrient is abundant in potatoes and will protect you from pathogens.


Red potatoes are rich in vitamin A and also have copper and zinc that protect against microbes. A single tuber could contain approximately 0.7 mg zinc and 450mcg copper, which is about 6 % to 31% of the recommended daily allowance.


4. Lessen Stress


Red potatoes may seem shocking; but they can make you feel more relaxed. Vitamin B-6 is found in potatoes at 0.2 mg (11% RDA). This vitamin is vital to maintain a healthy nervous system. You can now tell everyone that potatoes allow you to stay cool when facing any challenge.


5. Support Antioxidant Generation


The red tuber, as you may have guessed, is an effective ally in fighting against evil free radicals. These are byproducts from your body's normal metabolic process and are produced as you do any activity, such as breathing and eating.


Vitamin C, which is made up of flavonoids like epicatechin and catechin, as well as phenolic acid that is concentrated in the red skins can create a strong barrier that may help to neutralize free radicals. This will keep you healthy.


6. You Can Increase Your Energy


Red potatoes can provide energy. Easy! It's as simple as eating them right. These babies can be baked, boiled, or steamed to deliver complex carbs that will fuel your performance at its best.


The simple carbohydrates found in potatoes are not enough to power you through the day. They contain fiber which ensures that energy is released at a constant rate to allow you to enjoy your meal fully and feel satisfied.


7. Lower Blood Pressure


It is important to maintain healthy blood pressure. Red-skinned potatoes make a great choice for this purpose. They have close to 14 mg of sodium, which is equivalent to 1% of recommended daily intake.


They are also one of the most important sources of potassium. This mineral acts as a vasodilator, allowing blood vessels and smoother blood flow. A potato contains close to 943mg of potassium, which is 25% of the daily recommended intake. This is more than twice the amount found in bananas.

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