Simple Tips to Strengthen Security in Your Home

Posted on 14.08.2022
Simple Tips to Strengthen Security in Your Home image

So you've recently installed new floors, completely redesigned your rooms, and invested in some new appliances for your kitchen. Maybe you’ve finally built a brand new gaming room and geared it up with the most expensive computer and gaming equipment you could afford. Wouldn't it be a shame for a burglar to simply walk in one day and take off with half of your stuff? 

Unfortunately, unless you plan on turning your home into a genuine fortress, it can be difficult to prevent burglars from attempting to break into your home. Usually, all it takes is a rock to break some glass. Sadly, even bars on windows can be rather easily cut with angle grinders powered by batteries. The reassuring news is that you can, nonetheless, make it a lot harder for opportunistic neighborhood thieves to get access to your house. 

Here are a few simple, yet efficient tips for improving security in any home that you should consider applying right now.

Install Secure Locks on all Doors

This should be a no-brainer, but fitting reliable, quality, well-functioning locks on all access doors is an absolute must. If you are still using a knob lock on your wooden door with a knob on the interior and a key that you need to turn on the exterior, it’s time to do something about it. These models can be easily forced open because they only have a couple of screws to keep them in pace. Mortice locks offer enhanced security as their bolt is projected inside and located in the door’s jamb when in the locked position. Mortice locks also require the use of keys for opening, which means the door itself cannot be forcefully opened by breaking a glass panel and turning a handle or knob. 

If you have a PVC or an aluminum front door, chances are you already have a mortice lock installed, as these are standard models of locks for these doors. However, you still need to make sure the locks are working normally and that there are no faulty parts or mechanisms making them vulnerable in front of break-in attempts. Expert home locksmiths can tackle both installation and maintenance on these locks and a variety of other models. Be sure to contact local Randwick locksmith services in your area to assess and upgrade your front door locks for better home protection. 

As a side note, you could also consider fitting some locks on your windows, whether you have sash or casement types of windows.

Light Up the Place 

Install smart light bulbs in several interior lamps that you can control from a remote distance using an app on your phone. Another option is to consider investing in a PIR-operated floodlight that can detect body heat outside the house. This should prevent neighborhood burglars from lurking around at night and avoid being thrown into the spotlight and wake up all the neighborhood dogs. 

Lock Up Garden Tools and Ladders

Never leave anything that could be used as a tool to break into your home laying around the house. Ranging from ladders to metal bars and a variety of garden tools and flashlights, these items could give any burglar the push they need to try to break an entrance. Lock them all up in your garage or tool shed or use a free room inside the house if you do not have enough storage space outside the house. 

Hide Valuables and Keys From Plain Sight 

This may also sound like a no-brainer, but for people living in quiet, peaceful, and uneventful residential neighborhoods, this piece of advice may actually sound like a novelty. Never leave any keys, money, cards, mail, or valuables items like phones or laptops on the patio, on sunbeds and tables in the backyard, or near the mailbox. Keep your precious items out of view of windows when leaving the house and avoid leaving any large sums of money inside.

Final Thoughts

There are a number of things you could do to increase security in your home. From getting in touch with an expert locksmith to limiting access to your property using slippery paint for downpipes, locks on the gates, and thorny shrubs as barriers, all you need to do is take some time and act.

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