Uncovering 3 Unexpected Causes of High Energy Bills

Posted on 12.04.2023
Uncovering 3 Unexpected Causes of High Energy Bills image

Never-ending increases to our energy bills are something that we can all relate to. Have you ever asked yourself why your bills keep increasing, even though you've taken the same steps to conserve energy? The answer could be hiding in unexpected places! From outdated appliances to human error, there are plenty of overlooked causes of high energy bills that might surprise you. By uncovering these hidden culprits, you'll be able to save big on your monthly energy costs.

Incorrectly Insulated Homes

Insulating a home correctly is an essential part of controlling energy costs, yet many homes in Australia still lack adequate insulation. This can cause air to move freely throughout the house leading to cooling and heating systems having to work much harder than necessary. As this energy usage increases, so does the cost of the electricity bill. Comparing electricity rates from different providers and choosing origin energy plans that suit your needs may help to reduce your overall expenses but won’t eliminate the issues caused by inadequate insulation.

To ensure that your home is properly insulated and reduce energy use, examine windows, walls, and doors for any gaps or holes where air might escape; add weather stripping around these areas as needed. Additionally, consider adding wall or attic insulation if possible - it may be pricey at first, but it will pay off over time in terms of lower utility bills as well as improved comfort levels throughout your home.

Too Many Devices

The second cause of high energy bills is the overuse of electronic devices. With more and more households having multiple devices plugged in at all times, this can add up to large energy usage. Many people don’t realise that even when their devices are on standby or not being actively used, they are still using energy.

To keep costs down, it is important to compare electricity rates regularly and switch providers if you can get a better deal. It is also important to turn off any electronics that are not in use, as leaving them on can significantly increase your electricity bill. Additionally, investing in efficient appliances such as LED lights and smart thermostats can help reduce your energy usage even further by helping you regulate the temperature in your home.

Poor Appliance Efficiency

Many appliances are now manufactured to be more energy-efficient, and while this is beneficial in the long run, it can sometimes mean that they require more upkeep. Poor maintenance of appliances can cause them to use up more energy than necessary and result in a higher energy bill. This could come from faulty wiring, not replacing old parts with new ones, or failing to clean out dust or lint from vents that may be blocking efficient airflow.

Additionally, outdated models of certain appliances such as fridges or air conditioners may also have a greater impact on electricity bills due to their lower efficiency compared to newer models. Replacing older models with newer, energy-efficient versions could help reduce the amount of electricity being used each month.

Reduce your energy consumption

It can be a frustrating feeling when you open your bill and see an amount that’s higher than expected. But did you know there might be more to your high energy bills than just heating? Once you've identified the biggest sources of energy consumption in your home, you can take the necessary steps to reduce them.

As you might expect, many homeowners make mistakes when it comes to controlling their energy consumption. Without proper knowledge, many of us are not even aware that we are wasting energy at home.

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