Maximize Your Space With These Clever Living Room Layout Tricks

Posted on 24.02.2022
Maximize Your Space With These Clever Living Room Layout Tricks image

Living rooms can be difficult to design, especially if you're working with a small space. But with a little creativity and these handy tips, you can maximize your living room's potential and make the most of the space you have. Try using multipurpose furniture, adding mirrors to increase the sense of space, or creating zones for different activities. With a little ingenuity, you can create a living room that is both comfortable and stylish!

cosy living room design

Furniture Proportions

Optimize available space by keeping furniture ratios 1:1.5 or 1:2. This means that your sofa should be one and a half to two times as long as it is deep, and chairs should be twice as long as they are wide. Instead of a big sectional, you can opt for a Lana Sofa Bed by Brosa that doesn't take up so much space. What's also important is to take advantage of dead spaces, like under the sofa. A storage ottoman that is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing is perfect for hiding away smaller items that clutter up living room surfaces.


Adding mirrors can make a small space feel much bigger. You can either put one large mirror on the wall to reflect light and create the illusion of more windows, or you can decorate your space with strategic mirrors positioned at strategic angles to reflect other parts of the room. Mirrored sliding closet doors are also an easy way to expand your living room without losing precious floor space; take advantage of wasted vertical space by putting them above doors or under windows. So, a little mirror trickery can make even the tiniest living spaces feel lighter and more spacious. Hang large floor-length mirrors opposite windows to create the illusion of light and space, making your home look bright and airy. And it also gives off an open, airy vibe that will instantly relax you - perfect for creating a comfy living room layout!

Create Living Room Zones

Add different sections to your living room for different activities. For instance, you can create an area for lounging and another area for dining. This will help keep your space organized, so you won't feel cramped or cluttered. Try adding sliding barn doors to separate the zones - they are perfect because they don't take up any floor space but still give you privacy when you need it. As well as this, try putting furniture along walls instead of in the middle of the room - this will open up space and make it seem more spacious. Here, you can also use mirrors to your advantage. And don't forget about the power of plants. A few well-placed potted plants will help better define each area while making you feel like you are in a tranquil, lush oasis - every living room needs some nature!


When you are designing your living room layout, put away anything that isn't functioning or decorative. You want to create a clean, open space where everything has its place. Use furniture with storage whenever possible to hide clutter and keep your living room free of unnecessary messes. This will help the overall feel of your design stay calm and relaxing. A clean and peaceful atmosphere should be your goal when designing your living room layout - it really can make or break the design! Clutter will take away from not only the aesthetic of your living space but also that feeling of calmness and relaxation. It is incredibly important to remove any unnecessary knick-knacks, toys, and other items that aren't serving a purpose. Clear out what you don't use and put it in storage. You can either keep it at home or even give it away so another family can enjoy them as much as you once did!

Multipurpose Furniture

Living room layouts can benefit from adding multipurpose furniture pieces where possible, such as ottomans with hidden storage for extra blankets, books, or games. This will help keep your living space organized and clutter-free while also maximizing your space. If you don't want to sacrifice floor space by getting rid of your big furniture pieces, opt for multipurpose designs that can double as many other things - for instance, an ottoman that converts into a table when the top is lifted can easily serve two different purposes at once.

Nature Always Wins

There's no better way to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere than with plants and natural lighting, which we already mentioned in one of our tips. But it's worth repeating! Just having a few potted plants in your living room - whether they're on the ground or hanging from the ceiling - will make all the difference in the world. Not only will they add some life to your living room but they also help create that ideal peaceful atmosphere you want. Make sure to place your plants near windows for maximum natural light or next to electrical outlets (if artificial lighting is required) and use them as focal points when designing your living space.

Which Indoor Plants To Choose For Your Living Room?

There are certain types of plants that work better than others in a living room and some that, although beautiful, just wouldn't be practical if you want to create an oasis in your home. The aloe vera plant is perfect for lazy evenings when all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a good book or movie - they also help purify the air around them! Areca Palm Tree is another excellent choice for your living room layout because it's not only beautiful but also incredibly easy to grow and maintain.

room indoor plants

Remember: the key to a great living space is making everything function and feel like one complete, well-designed unit. The best thing about this is that you can explore all kinds of decor styles from modern to eclectic. For design inspiration, consider looking online for images of rooms with similar layouts to yours - this will give you some wonderful living room layout ideas so you can implement different techniques into your own home. By following these tricks, you can design a living room that is both stylish and functional. With multipurpose furniture, mirrored angles, and zones for different activities, you'll have all the space you need without the clutter! 

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